Craft Show Listings
Fine Arts and Crafts at Verona Park

May 14, 2011 - Well I’ll tell ya, we like Rose Squared shows because they always show top Artists. And usually show in top venues. And this time was no exception. Except for one thing.

Yo Howard and Janet, Next time tell us that we need pack horses and Sherpas to get into a show. There were 10 parking spaces in the park, so the cops told me “oh just park up on the hill.” I drove around the hill and parked up on the road and hiked about a mile and a half to the show. Did I mention the hill?

Here is a hill that has a blacktop path. The elder ladies (that would be the gals that spend the money) stopped and looked at it wondering if they could get down it? And if they did get down it, could they get back up? Even the younger women with baby strollers were stopping. So they went down and surprise surprise, now you have to cross a bridge with steps on both sides. Who the heck was the genius engineer who figured that one out? Obviously they hadn't pushed a stroller with twins, or a wheel chair. Oh well - Yeah ha we made it!

So once in the show, it is great. The park is beautiful and the Artists and Craftsmen are top shelf.

The List of Standout Artists and Craftsmen: