Paden City Pottery Company

by Veronica
(Toronto, Ontario, Canada)

I have just inherited a platter with the Paden City Pottery Company stamped on the bottom of it. I noticed that you do have the stamp but it is G 51, mine is H 40. What does this mean? Does this mean that this platter was made in 1940 and what does the H stand for? I have found out the name of the platters' pattern which is Rosalee. I would love to know the history on this platter and any other information that you could provide me, such as how much it could be worth.

Thank you so much for helping me out with this.


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Nov 24, 2012
Paden City Pottery NEW
by: Anonymous

The numbers 40 and 51 mean year made, the Letters are for the quarter of the year (A-C would be first 3 months of the year).

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