Paden City Pottery (photo)

Am looking for any history on my set of dinnerware bought at an antique store. The pieces are stamped The Paden City Pottery Company with different letters & the number 51 on them depending on the pieces. Plates are square with a pink/violet rose pattern. Any information as to history & what they might be worth would be greatly appreciated.

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Jan 10, 2016
China NEW
by: Anonymous

I have some pieces i would like to get rid of ,
i found them in the attic of my uncle's house when he passed away.
4 dinner plates
2 cups and sauces
2 cups
2 large bowls
4 dessert plates
4 dessert small bowls



Mar 04, 2015
Same here NEW
by: Anonymous

I also have a large amount of these Paden City American Rose without the borders. My relative got them from going to the movies in the 1940s and 1950s. So they were free. I doubt they hold much value.

Mar 07, 2013
Paden City NEW
by: Anonymous

I have a huge number of these Paden City American Rose sets, inherited from my Aunt. I have what what you pictured - the pattern without the gold edges.

Before my aunt died she told me she collected all of them from going to the movies. They would give out a dish to every one who paid for a movie ticket.

That's one reason why I don't believe this particular pattern holds much value. I have the feeling that the American Rose pattern WITH the gold edges is worth more.

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